Cover Your Newly-Hired Talent—and Your Business

Hiring is one of the most daunting tasks for a recruiter. There's the process of going through hundreds of résumés/CVs, the several interviews one applicant has to go through, skill tests and the like.
And then don't forget, that once someone is hired, the name of the recruitment team is on the line and they have to prove that they are indeed capable of hiring someone competent.
HR teams across several companies are being subject to evaluations to check if they are effective at their job.
To lessen the probability of a bad new hire, orientations are being held usually during the contract signing. During these on-boarding activities, employees are asked to fill out the legal paper work such as their employment contract explaining to them possibilities of tenure alongside financial paper work so payroll can be updated of the new employee. And then they are given a crash course of what the company is about, their core values and any important product specifics before they are forwarded to a learning specialist for training.
If you are running your own business and you haven't adopted the habit of orientations before actually starting to work, then here are the reasons why you should.
Lessens the Risk for Mistakes
It's a bad move to forward a new hire to a manager right away. They will make mistakes and that's 100% guaranteed. The better thing to do is to orient them first on what their main tasks will be. Although their supervisor has a role to play in training them, you are the one responsible for letting them know how their job affects the overall operations of the company. It gives them a better picture of the core values of the company while also showing them how valuable they are.
Cover All Legal Bases
One of the more important tranches of an orientation is discussing all legalities. Your legal counsel probably already briefed you on how essential this is. During on-boarding meetings, let your new hires know about dos and don'ts in the company by showing them your code of conduct. Show them concrete examples as well of different levels of sanctions for every rule that is broken.
Moreover, and we believe this is the most important, make them sign a confidentiality agreement after signing the contract so that none of the company secrets are divulged even after they decided to leave the company. If it sounds like you're scaring new hires, well, you are. Because you need to protect your company.
Start To Build Rapport
An orientation is the perfect time to introduce a new employee to everyone. You should know how awkward it is to sit at a new desk with the pressure to perform at your new job without knowing anymore. Take an hour from your orientation and have an ice breaker activity for your new hires. This will make them feel at ease before they actually start working.
Motivate New Hires!
This is one of the best chances to motivate your new hires to do their best. Let them know about your different incentive programs, how people get promoted, success stories from your previous employees and various benefits you offer at the company. Welcome them by showing them that they've made the right choice to work for you. Discuss healthcare, company facilities they can use, people they can talk to when they have problems and the like.
An orientation doesn't take that long. Half of the day may be spent filling out and explaining paperwork and the other half may be spent on getting new hires up to speed. This other half usually includes showing them where the pantry is, where their lockers are located, what hardware is going to be forwarded to them for use and so on and so forth. 8 hours is enough and one facilitator from the HR team is enough as well.
Kuah Communications is here for you! If you need some assistance with your Training and Orientation Strategy, contact us for an affordable Discover Call!