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How do I update my profile on RWJ?Great question, Approved Member! Follow these simple instructions to update/edit your Member's Profile on RWJ: 1) Login to the website. 2) Select 'Profile' from the dropdown arrow. 3) Select 'Edit' to change your name and photo. 4) Change your 'About' section by typing, copy/paste resumes/CVs, and links to any samples or portfolios you own. We invite you to watch this quick tutorial to get started!
I have questions about the Forum and job ads.No problem. Please visit the Forum Q&A section for more extensive answers and online feedback from our moderators and/or the RWJ community. KINDLY NOTE: The Forum is now an Archived Page. If you are seeking new remote writing job opportunities, please visit the 'Find Work' page. In order to comment, ask questions, and log into The Forum, you must be an approved member.
Do I need to pay anything or subscribe?This is a FREE FORUM for REGISTERED and NON-REGISTERED writers. We encourage you to visit our website at least twice a week for new postings and blog resources. As a site visitor, there's nothing to pay to receive: - Free Remote Writing Job Postings - Free Basic Resources However, if you 'signup' to request a FREE MEMBERSHIP and get approved, you'll be able to: - Create a Free Online Profile - Comment and Interact - Be Referred for Possible Exclusive Writing Projects Please follow us and like our YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook Pages! Thank you! Feel free to share with other writers around the world. It's not always easy finding legitimate remote writing jobs online. Best regards from Remote Writers Work | Remote Writer Jobs!
I'm having trouble uploading my documents to a job ad. What should I do?Trouble applying to a job ad? We are sorry about your technical issue(s). Please try the following: 1. Make sure each document is 15MB or less in size. 2. You may need to apply using a computer, laptop, or tablet (instead of a phone). You only need to click the "Submit" button once. You will ONLY receive an email if the hiring manager or client is interested in an interview. Best wishes! --- RWJ PROFILE EDITS & UPDATES: You can copy/paste your resume/CV and/or sample links to your RWJ profile. At this time, there is no option to upload PDF's or DOC's, unless you are an Exclusive RWJ Writer. Feel free to add photos and videos to your profile, as well as your contact details (if you choose).
May I contact the hiring manager or client?Yes and no. (YES) If the job description contains their contact information, please contact them directly. Always read the job description carefully. Many jobs will refer you to their website to apply directly or an email address. (NO) Otherwise, we strongly advise against this as many clients do not have the time or resources to respond to every email or phone call. It may also give a negative first impression of you as the applicant if you are instructed not to contact their Human Resources or managers repetively. Many clients come to our BPO in order to remain private and confidential until you are contacted by them directly. We advise not contacting any companies or clients unless they leave their email/name in the job posting.
Where do these jobs come from?Great question! PUBLIC LISTINGS: Job postings in the RWJ Forum come from hundreds of job ads and public companies around the world (mostly in the U.S. and Canada). We invite recruiters and businesses to select Job Acquisition plans with RWJ, in which RWJ edits their ads for an affordable fee, promotes their job ad campaigns, and supports job application management for their company—when needed. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS: These posts are solely available to exclusive members. Most of our exclusive job postings come from clients through our parent company's BPO, Gahn Source Solutions, based in Nevada, USA. When their work requests exceed the amount of writers available, or the work projects do not fit their staff's availability, we publicly post the extra writing jobs here, from time to time. Clients or hiring managers go to our trusted BPO to outsource writers each month. When the projects do not meet their availability, posts the remaining jobs here. We also post other job opportunities that we find through trusted referrals!
I would like to volunteer or contribute as a GUEST WRITER. How?That's great! Thanks for considering RWJ | Remote Writers Work as an amazing part of your writing journey. Currently, we may not be accepting new Guest Writer requests. We encourage you to check back in the near future. ---------------------------------- BECOMING A GUEST WRITER on RWJ 3 Simple Steps! First, you'll need to be an APPROVED SITE MEMBER. If you're already a member of RWJ, simply complete the Guest Writer form online. Next—if you're approved—you'll receive a Guest Writer Agreement Form to read and sign. Finally, you'll receive a warm welcome to our Guest Writer Team and further instructions. In our Guest Writer or Credit-for-Work Program, select writers volunteer by writing articles, forum resources, and exclusive writing projects for Remote Writers Work and our BPO partner. Sometimes, this can lead to being referred for writing gigs and exclusive projects. This works well for new writers who need more experience and credit on their resume/cv. These volunteer writing projects are weekly or monthly. We give priority considerations to active Guest Writers and active Members in the forum. We value work relationship and workflow–which helps us (and potential project owners) get to know you better. Best wishes and stay well! Best regards, Remote Writers!
How do I signup to be a member of the RWJ site?At this time, RWJ is not accepting or approving new Site Member requests. Kindly check back in the near future for possible new Site Member opportunities. ------------------------ If Site Membership applications are available, you're welcome to request a site membership account as a writer. Here's how: 1) Click the 'Member Login' or 'Join the Community' link on our site. 2) Click 'SignUp'. 3) Enter your email and create a password. 4) You'll receive an email with instructions that will help us verify you and approve your free account. 5) After completing the Request Form, kindly wait for an approval. TIPS TO GETTING APPROVED: Checking your email is key! The more information you can provide to help us identify you as a real writer (or new writer), the faster we can review and approve your request. :-) TIMEFRAME FOR REVIEW Due to a high volume of requests, there may be delays in the review and verification of your site membership submission. No worries! You can still access public job postings and various resources without a site membership. Simply visit the "FIND WORK" page anytime. Having technical issues? We're here to help! Send us a message about your issue:
I created an email and password. What's next?Great! You will receive an instant email with instructions. Please check your email—or your spam folder. That email will have a VERY important link to help you submit an official request for signup approval. Due to a high volume of site membership requests, there may be a delay in the review and verification process. Thank you for your patience!
Hmmm, I never received any emails after trying to sign up."Ah, we are sorry to hear that. Let's walk through a few steps to help: 1) Check you email spam folder. 2) Try signing up again with that same email address. If it says "already signed up", then contact us so that we can troubleshoot the issue. Send us a message and tell us WHICH EMAIL ADDRESS is giving you issues. 3) If you were able to sign up, then you may have entered an incorrect email address the first time. It happens! Just let us know so that we can delete that account error. Thanks!
Why do I need to be "approved"?"Good question! We have recently upgraded the quality of our Site Membership requirements and desire REAL PEOPLE with a REAL DESIRE TO FIND WRITING JOBS and RESOURCES. We want to offer a safe and resourceful experience to our top Writer Members. We also want to offer a genuine, results-driven experience for our Job Post Clients. If a signup request is not verifiable, then we cannot approve it. The same goes for our job post clients—if we can't verify their sincerity, then we can't post their job ad. We take this process seriously, however, our goal is to provide a comfortable environment and productive outlet. This is what sets us apart from many other free platforms. ;-) Thanks for asking!
How long does it take for approval?Great question! Generally, it takes about 2-4 weeks for a full review of each site membership request submitted. Occasionally, we experience a high volume of site membership requests and delays occur. Thanks for your patience! The more information you provide about yourself (as a new or experienced writer), the better opportunity you may have for a site member approval. All the best!
After being approved, I can't sign in. Help!"No worries! We're here to help. Let's figure this out together: 1) Did you wait past 30 days to complete that Request Form? Then, your account was most likely deleted for safety and privacy purposes. We can help you! Send us a message online. 2) Did you forget your password, perhaps? Try reseting your password on the sign-in page. 3) Are you on the correct login page? Make sure you are on the Member's Login page or 'Join the Community' page....and not any other login sections.
Ooops! I signed up with multiple emails.For Approved Members Only: We can update your contact info, but we cannot update your email login. If you want to start a new account and have ALREADY been approved, please send us a message and we'll be happy to help.
Can I sign up with two or more emails?When Site Member applications become available, we can only approve one account per name. We strong discourage writers from creating multiple accounts/profiles. Why? Because it can confuse some of our job ad clients. Plus, our platform is FREE for new and experienced writers...and we'd like to keep it that way for you. Active Approved Members Only: If you have a valid reason for needing multiple accounts, then kindly contact our Membership Coordinator to see if we can offer an exception. ;-) Thank you!
Can I become a Guest Writer?At this time, we are not accepting new Guest Writer applications. Thank you for taking interest! Kindly check back in the near future for Guest Writer opportunities. :-) ------------------------ If you are an inactive Approve Member that has previously earned the 'Exclusive Writer' badge, you may submit an application to be considered. Here's how: BECOMING A GUEST WRITER on RWJ 3 Simple Steps! First, you'll need to be an APPROVED SITE MEMBER. If you're already a member of RWJ, simply complete the Guest Writer form online. Next—if you're approved—you'll receive a Guest Writer Agreement Form to read and sign. Finally, you'll receive a warm welcome to our Guest Writer Team and further instructions. GUEST WRITER BADGES ON YOUR PROFILE You are not an official Guest Writer until you actually receive approval, write content for the RWJ Blog.... and stay active.
Which Job Ad Plan is right for me?Excellent question! We invite you to contact our Job Editor to help you make that important decision. She will learn about your goals and provide you with examples/solutions before you make a payment. ----------- In the meantime, here is a brief 'breakdown' to help you! You already have a job ad ready to post! You just need to upload it on our website. Great! If you simply need to fill a remote job position with the right candidate(s), the Simple Job Post plan will be great for your project needs. This one-time post is VERY affordable and perfect for individuals, entrepreneurs, or small business owners. We provide one professional proofreading session by our Editor, share the post on our Facebook page, and promote to candidates across the world (not just one region). Do you need to leverage solid candidates to choose from and expand your opportunities across social media? You should consider a Manage My Post plan with weekly reposting services for 30 days! Are you interested in having reports sent to you about the progress of your job ad and candidate recommendations from our elite members? There are many more benefits to the Monitor My Job Post plan that can optimize your recruitment success. With our Full-cycle Job Post service, we will create your job acquisition, manage job applications, provide you with reports, and organically promote your ad/ project across social media through unique strategies. ----------------- ADDED BONUSES: No matter which plan you choose, your ad may remain on our site forever, unless you request a deletion or "POSITION FILLED" edit. Your job ad post will reach candidates across the world—not just in your city. All ads are proofread and may receive royalty-free images. ----------------- Excited about finding the best plan for your remote position? We are too! Contact us today to learn more and begin the optimization process! CALL | SMS | EMAIL | LIVE CHAT | VIDEO MEETING Sundays - Thursdays, Half-day Fridays
How much does it cost to post a job ad?We invite you to take a look at our JOB AD PRICING & PLANS to view our general costs for posting a job acquisition on Remote Writer Jobs. 30-day plans begin at $12 USD. Don't forget—all job ads are reposted to our social media pages to optimize your candidate search to thousands of remote writers! Also—your job ad will engage higher qualified candidates both in the U.S. and internationally.
I have work opportunities to post. How do I post job ads?Thank you for sharing your job post with! First, we invite you to contact us to begin your job acquisition. Second, we will finalize the job posting process for you. Affordable, simple, and professional! Contact us ONLINE today or send an email to: ------------------- Our job posting opportunities enable companies and individuals to post their writing needs, as well as: Access Exclusive Member Profiles (this is different from the Forum Profiles) Receive Direct Applications from international candidates. Boost company culture Kindly note: You must be a legal representative of your company in order to submit an official, exclusive work opportunity. (i.e. Hiring Manager, Owner, HR Rep, Clerk, etc.) We invite you to complete our Contact Form towards the successful posting of your work needs and access for exclusive member profiles. --------------- We take our family of world-wide writers' needs for jobs and gigs very seriously. We do not repost scams or entities that simply collect their data. Therefore, our expert Job Acquisition Editor screens all job ads, communicates with you, and decides whether your posting meets certain criteria based on several standards. Please complete our "Post A Job" form and we will contact you as soon as possible. We will only respond to serious job posts. Thank you kindly!
Do you have other plans that can screen candidates for me?We encourage you to contact our friendly and experienced Client Service Specialist for more information about posting options and access to top-skilled writers that have been verified, background investigated/vetted, and referenced. Our parent company, Gahn Solutions, provides a confidential, secure service for employers and small businesses that seek higher profiled candidates. Gahn Solutions helps manage your NDA's and onboarding process through a full-cycle resource management strategy that saves you time and revenue. For more information, please contact our Client Service Specialist for a free consultation.
Can I just post a quick job ad in the forum?Short answer—No. We take our family of world-wide writers' needs for jobs and gigs very seriously. We do not repost scams or entities that simply collect their data. Therefore, our expert Job Acquisition Editor screens all job ads, communicates with you, and decides whether your posting meets certain criteria based on several standards. Please complete our "Post A Job" form and we will contact you as soon as possible. We will only respond to serious job posts. Placing your job ad in the Member's Forum is not allowed. Your account will be blocked. ------- Plus, you will NOT receive heavy exposure to amazing candidates that way. ;-) Thank you kindly!
I paid for a job ad plan. What's next?Thank you for choosing RWJ | GS LLC for your job acquisition success! Next steps: 1) Your Job Editor will contact you to begin the process. 2) You will receive a confirmation email once the job has been posted. Please allow 24-48 hours for your Job Editor to contact you directly. We are available Sunday through Thursday (4AM-2PM EST), and Fridays (4AM-12Noon EST). If you have questions for the editor, kindly submit an inquiry here:
Can I use my PayPal account to make a payment?Absolutely. Simple select your desired Job Ad Plan and select "PayPal" to secure services. For common questions about using PayPal, please refer to PayPal's SmartHelp Center. If you have a special Job Ad order request, please contact us and we will send you a secure PayPal Invoice.
How do I request a copy of my invoice?Invoices are conveniently available for download or review by logging into your account and selecting "My Account". Alternatively, send us an email and we will provide you with a copy of your invoice. Please note: we can only provide copies to authorized users. You may also check your PayPal account or credit/debit card statement for transaction dates and amounts.
The Job Ad Plan page is NOT loading. How do I place my order?We are sorry for any inconvenience with technical issues. Sometimes, the page may take some time to load (if you have a slow internet speed at the time). You may need to refresh your browser. Otherwise, it's best to simply CONTACT US directly and we can send you a secure invoice. Email our Client Service Manager Call us
Who is GS, LLC on my Invoice?"GS, LLC is our parent company, Gahn Solutions, registered in Arizona and Nevada as a Limited Liability Corporation. You may see GS, LLC or Gahn Studios on your billing statement, along with RWJ (Remote Writer Jobs). For more information, please see our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions listed on our respective websites.
How do I cancel a job ad?Congrats! You found the best candidates for your position. Keep in mind, even if you have filled the position, you may want to leave the job ad visible! Why? Because you are also gaining business promotion, some SEO benefits, building your company culture online and audience engagement from our services. You may want to consider leaving the job ad online; we can explain that the position is no longer available (as an update for you!). ----------------------- Still feel you need to remove a job ad that we posted? No problem! Simply contact the Job Editor and request an ad removal. If you need to make an edit to a job ad, please order a fresh (brand new) job ad request. RWJ | GS LLC offers no refunds or credits for job posts. Please see our Refunds Policy. We will only edit your job post once—when it is first purchased and posted. Therefore, you must order another job post service. Ask about our discounts for repeat clients!
Can I get a refund or credit if I find enough candidates?Congrats on finding great candidates! We do not offer refunds or credits for job ads and job posts. Kindly note: Our job Editor works strategically to edit and finalize all of the content that goes into your job acquisition. The service that you are paying for includes her editing skill and promotion to social media. In return, you are also gaining business promotion, some SEO benefits, positive company culture exposure and audience engagement! Once the job ad has been posted to our site, it is a completed order and cannot be refunded. At your request, we can remove the job ad for you within 24-48 hours of your request. You may want to consider leaving the job ad online and we can explain that the position is no longer available (as an update). Please see our Refund and Cancellation Policy.
I want to post a job ad. Who can I speak to?Great! We invite you to contact us ONLINE. Inside the U.S., Canada, or Mexico? Schedule a phone call or video meeting with us! Outside North America? No problem. We are on WhatsApp and Zoom for convenient voice calls, sms/text messages, and video meetings. Click here to schedule a meeting.
What are your business days and service hours?Our general business days are Sundays - Thursdays each week. General inquiries are answered within 24-48 hours during those business days. Paid Plan Members and Exclusive Writers already have an RWJ Specialist working with them and may kindly contact their friendly rep (Monday-Sunday—24/7). They have direct access—via phone & email—to your Specialist anytime. Video meetings are always welcome! Paid plan members are welcome to reach our Client Relations Manager for a Live Chat, Phone Call, or Video Meeting during the following hours: Sundays 6AM- 12PM (EST/ US TIME), 8AM - 4PM (UK Time) Mondays - Thursdays 4AM- 12PM (EST/ US TIME), 8AM - 4PM (UK Time)


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