Support Orphans and Women Initiative (SOWI) has been identified as one of the CBOs in the Dokolo district towards implementing HIV care, support and treatment in the communities of Amwoma, Kangai, and Agwata sub-counties. SOWI was selected through organizational capacity assessment—jointly by
TASO, SRs and districts targeted for such intervention.
TASO is celebrated for working with a number of sub-recipients (SRs) in different regions of the country to implement HIV/TB and Malaria grants under the Global Funds.

SOWI's Classroom Training 2022
SOWI engaged in an 11-day classroom training with CBO leaders, which included Executive Director, Project Manager/Finance and
Monitoring and Evaluation personnel before undertaking placement with the objectives of translating classroom training to practical aspects.
TASO, working with PACE as the sub-recipients, have supported the 5-day placement from 11-April-2022 with SOWI that is aimed at enabling SOWI leaders to visualize the practical
aspects from the classroom training at TASO-Tororo. The SOWI (and other CBOs as well) leveraged advanced training in the following areas:
Governance, Leadership and Management
Strategic planning
Project Management
Human Resource Management
Procurement Management
Financial Management
Compliance and Grant Management
Monitoring and Evaluation Resource Mobilization
Proposal Writing
TASO-Tororo was established in 1989, highly driven by the demand
of HIV-related services supported by political willingness with well structures from Center
Advisory Committee-Team Leader to Finance and Administration up to M&E Manager and
staff. Thankfully, the entity has willingly welcomed SOWI and showed practical aspects to SOWI leaders, whom support mentorship and coaching of systems that are needed to manage projects in order to respond better to HIV health problems in the community of the Dokolo district in the Amwoma, Kangai and Agwata sub-counties, in line with national health priorities and continuous supervision and mentorship.
The Training Objectives
Objectives of the Placement included the following:
1. To acquire a practical learning platform on equipping with hands-on skill in different areas
to enhance capacity to implement HIV/AIDs programs, strengthen and replicate
successful disease programs.
2. To review different documents and understands their importance to the organization for
better performance.
3. To acquire practical aspects of professional conduct, good culture and its importance to
the organization
4. To improve on the capacity as leaders so as to understand the importance of having and
working with the system that ensure safety of donor funds, progressive performance
improvement and increased sustained funding with the help from Development Partners.
To learn more about SOWI's partnered training initiative through TASO, learning achievements, and leadership advancements, download the 2022 placement report below.
Within the 5-day placement, SOWI attained a plethora of achievements to excel and propel its Manager/Team leadership skills, Human Resource tools, and Finance and M&E Office practicum.
"This shall give room for much improvements in SOWI governance and Administrative systems, Resources Mobilization and Sustainability plan to be well developed and executed", proclaims Mr. Moses Okeng, SOWI Founder and Executive Director.