SOWI would like to thank all of our volunteers, contributors, partners, and fellow supporters—worldwide!
Your continued support, donations, awareness campaigns, and physical efforts are needed (now) more than ever.
Together, we are an empowered community for self reliance!
Learn how you can:
Become a volunteer
Bring online awareness
Contribute a financial donation
Sponsor the SOWI Scholarship Programs
...and even plant a tree to eliminate deforestation in Northern Uganda!​
HIV Health Advocacy
Expand Our Successful Health Program to Amwoma, Kangai and Agwata.
In the past year of operation in Dokolo, 350 individuals has been reached with HIV prevention, 90 individual with care and treatment.
With the above success, SOWI would like to widen HIV services to cover more of psychosocial support offered to clients at the facility, psychotherapy groups, home visits, GBV support to improve livelihood—promoting and encouraging disclosure.
Scholarships & Skills Training
Leverage Additional Sponsors for School Tuition & Supplies
As the school year transitions, SOWI's youth recipients remain our targeted goal. This overwhelming education goal can only be achieved through generous contributors and our Education Team's dedicated time, training material, and youth education supplies.
SOWI Farm Foundation
Oilseed Campaign | Project II: Let's Keep Going—and Growing!
We're moving full steam ahead, thanks to the answered prayers, kind thoughts, selfless donations and land contribution.
Join our free subscriber community to receive monthly updates on our agriculture projects—and bring awareness!
Thank you for following your heart and considering our upcoming and ongoing projects. Together, we can make a positive impact in the Lira District—and beyond! Connect with us, so that we can learn about your passion for community sustainability and social impact.
Bring awareness online! You may search the following hashtags on social media:
#SOWIUganda #SOWISeed #SOWIFarm #SOWIHealth #SOWINews #SOWIYouth
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