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Freelancing in Nepal | Honesty Digest

My name is Dhiren Rai and I reside in Kathmandu City, Nepal. At the moment, I work as a Content Writer for a website designing company in Nepal but I also do freelancing before and after office hours. Initially, I had no plans of entering the writing field as a content writer as I always wanted to pursue my love for science by studying astrophysics. However, I did enjoy reading and writing to some extent. \

For this reason, I decided to apply for a job opening for a Content Writer after giving my final exams. Plus, I had to wait 3 months for my exam results so I just wanted to keep myself busy by doing some work.

The memories of the day when I got called in for that job interview remains vividly inside my mind. I know it was August and I had taken my best friend with me for the interview. I was pretty nervous that day as it was my first job interview. However, I miraculously managed to land the job even without any previous experience and that moment changed my life as I got to work with expert content writers and SEO technicians. And as I kept working, I began to understand that the career in the writing field is very lucrative. So, I decided to keep working as a content writer and focused on improving my writing skills.


Later on, I started getting direct calls and emails from clients who wanted me to write their articles and web contents. I began writing articles for other clients outside of my office and the pay was pretty good. In the beginning, I had 2 clients but as I kept on writing, I got in touch with international clients as well. I got projects from people living in countries like USA and UK. Compared to Nepal, the pay from those countries was much better. So, I began signing up for freelance job websites to get more international clients.

As my clients grew, I earned more and more each month. My earnings were enough to support my whole family. So much so that, I even decided to marry my girlfriend whom I had dated for more than 2 years. Sounds good right! But that’s only the one side of the coin. You need to understand that you will face difficulties while working as a writer especially if you’re a freelance writer’. One of the biggest liability of freelancing for me is my payments. My clients can easily scam me by not sending payments after I have completed their work. I have personally experienced how some dishonest people contact naïve freelancers like me to do their work and then make no payment after having their work completed.


You can never be fully certain if you’re dealing with a legit individual or not while freelancing unless you have previously worked with them or know them personally. So, I suggest other freelancers do a proper background check on their client before deciding to work for them. Lastly, there’s a high possibility that you will get scammed while freelancing but I do still believe that freelancing is a great way to earn some extra money.

I am very grateful for outsourcing, such as for security and resources towards my career as a freelancer. Therefore, I haven’t stopped working as a freelancer! Do not give up on your goals. Manage the factors surrounding your mission and it will all come together.

Contributed by Dhiren Rai

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