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Freelance Writing in Pakistan | Honesty Digest

The Party That Should Never End!

Freelance writing in Pakistan is one of the most lucrative home-based and entrepreneurial options in the country. A considerable portion of the educated, fresh graduates in all the fields of life opts for becoming a content writer. Once they realize that their fields may not be able to pay as well as content writing; they become content writers for life and develop strong careers in the area.''

My name is Darakhshan Roohi, and I am one of the few content writers in Pakistan who always wanted to be a writer. I grew up in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and graduated from Effat University, Jeddah in Translation and Interpretation. The time when South Asian children daydream about becoming a doctor, I hoped to get published in a newspaper.

Did I want to be a journalist? No, I wanted to be a columnist with a life. I wanted to be an essayist because I have so much to share with the masses about the masses. I started writing in fourth grade, and by High School, I was writing debates for friends as a courtesy.

Writing was considered a poor man’s profession at that time. A writer would work in newspapers or publish books and will earn low wages. But I still wanted to be a writer. After ambitioning for a path as perilous for about twenty years; I put my feet into the field and realized that this was heaven.

Engineers, doctors, and PhDs are working as a content writer for money and enjoying their work immensely. Many individuals who start out as a side job to pay the bills leave their day job and turn this into their profession.


The advantage of working as a content writer in Pakistan is that it is the ideal job for women empowerment. In a conservative society where girls have to prioritize differently from the West, many girls are working from home to pay the bills or have decent pocket money. Some are earning so well; they are genuinely empowering themselves with their ‘home-based’ job.

The disadvantage will be the fact that none of us are working in the Western world. Many writes are diligent, hardworking and the best in their field. But because they are not ‘native speakers’ of the language; even though they speak and write the language better than the natives, they do not get fair wages. The same job that would cost $500 to the client if they hire a Western individual is passed off to South Asia in $150. Not much can be done about the problem, but the unfairness of the process grows on a person with time.

The Freelance writing is not the next big thing. It is the party that should never end. I love the fact that content writing will always remain a merit-based job by default. The assignments and portfolios decide whether a person will be hired or not.

You should try the freelancing world because it gives you a purpose when you may be struggling with finding your way. Earning your own money is exceptionally empowering, and you will realize that this is a solution to many problems.


Do you have a question or comment for Darakhshan Roohi? Interested in learning more about Darakhshan Roohi's professional writing attrbutes? Leave a comment below.

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